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The Good News, The Gospel, is so much more than you can think. It’s more than a new life—it’s a new way of living. It’s an invitation to join Jesus, to work without being weary, to serve without being spent, and to see God do more.
Join us live or online at 8, 9:30, and 11A every Sunday!

1 John 4:21
And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love their brother and sister.

John has repeatedly reminded us that we MUST love our brothers and sisters in Christ. Today's reminder, however, is the clincher. If we love God, we MUST love his children, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Notice that the word isn't "should love..." or "will try to love..." or "want to love..." No, the word is "MUST!" God's point is clear: Loving each other is not optional, negotiable, or something to be delayed. God sent Jesus to die for the sins of all of God's children. How can we not love those for whom Christ died (Romans 14:15; 1 Corinthians 8:11). As Paul will say to the Corinthians, "God's love compels us" (2 Corinthians 5:14). We MUST love God's children!

Wednesday Meal
Chicken Spaghetti, Garden Salad, Green Beans, Roll, Chocolate Cake

Alternate Meal
Corn Dog, Chips, Brownie